Malpractice Insurance Resources

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Mar 12, 2025
Choosing a Professional Liability Insurance Carrier: A Guide for Advanced Practice Clinicians
Choosing the right malpractice insurer is one of the most important professional decisions you’ll make. Despite facing many of the same liability and malpractice risks as physicians, advanced practice clinicians (APCs)—including nurse practitioners (NPs), physician assistants (PAs), certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs), certified nurse midwives (CNMs), and nurse midwives (NMs)—are often not as well insured.

Feb 21, 2025, MedCentral
7 Mistakes to Avoid If You Get Sued
Robert White, Jr., President of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, discusses common errors made by physicians that can negatively impact the outcome of a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Feb 17, 2025, KevinMD
Are You Protecting Your Career? 5 Essential Questions About Your NP Liability Insurance
Surani Hayre-Kwan, DNP, MBA, FNP-BC, FACHE, FAANP, Nurse Practitioner, West County Health Centers, and Member, TDC Group APC Advisory Board, provides nurse practitioners with five questions to ask about professional liability insurance to ensure their career is protected.

Feb 03, 2025
Midwives, Are You Covered? 5 Questions to Ask About Professional Liability Insurance
Ginger Breedlove, PhD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN, Founder and Principal Consultant of Grow Midwives LLC and Member, TDC Group APC Advisory Board
Midwives face distinct, significant, and long-lasting liability risks, and providing excellent care is not enough to mitigate them. Careful consideration of liability coverage options is essential for midwives to protect their licenses, reputations, professional and geographic mobility, and long-term financial health.

Feb 03, 2025
Nurse Practitioners, Are You Protecting Your Career? 5 Questions to Ask About Your Professional Liability Insurance
Surani Hayre-Kwan, DNP, MBA, FNP-BC, FACHE, FAANP, Nurse Practitioner, West County Health Centers; President-Elect, California Association for Nurse Practitioners; Member, TDC Group APC Advisory Board
Nurse practitioners face distinct, significant, and long-lasting liability risks, and providing excellent care is not enough to mitigate them. Careful consideration of liability coverage options is essential for midwives to protect their licenses, reputations, professional and geographic mobility, and long-term financial health.

Video Jan 08, 2025
An Introduction to Medical Professional Liability Insurance for Midwives
This presentation provides a detailed examination of medical professional liability insurance, specifically designed for midwives. Learn policy coverage and exclusions, as well as practical strategies to protect your practice, whether employed or practicing independently. This session also analyzes common causes of loss in midwifery claims, comparing outcomes with those of physicians.

Jan 02, 2025
How the Medical Malpractice System Influences Care
Richard E. Anderson, MD, FACP, Chairman and CEO, The Doctors Company
Richard E. Anderson, MD, FACP, The Doctors Company Chairman and CEO, discusses how the medical malpractice system often burdens good physicians with years-long lawsuits—and shows how the cost of defensive medicine affects us all.

Dec 10, 2024, Medscape
Malpractice in the Age of AI
Deepika Srivastava, Chief Operating Officer of The Doctors Company, part of TDC Group, provides insights on the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and malpractice risk in healthcare.

Nov 27, 2024
Key Factors in a Deposition: What Healthcare Professionals Can Expect
Richard F. Cahill, JD, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, The Doctors Company, Part of TDC Group
A deposition is a discovery tool used in civil, administrative, and criminal litigation. Our expert outlines what healthcare professionals can expect if they receive a notice of a deposition.

Video Nov 19, 2024
Working Continuously to Balance the Scales of Justice
Is your professional liability insurance provider dedicated to protecting your career? In today’s healthcare environment, doctors, medical practices, advanced practice clinicians, and health systems need an advocate—a resolute voice loud enough to be heard. The Doctors Company and TDC Group are relentlessly committed to supporting medical liability reform and to safeguarding access to patient care.

Jul 29, 2024, Business Insurance
Business Insurance Announces 2024 Women to Watch
Deepika Srivastava, Chief Operating Officer for The Doctors Company, part of TDC Group, has been named a Business Insurance 2024 Women to Watch honoree. The Women to Watch program, established in 2006, honors women leaders who excel in risk management and commercial insurance. Since its inception, the program has recognized outstanding women globally.

May 16, 2024, MDLinx
Illinois Jury Awards $41 Million to Stroke Victim
Robert White, President of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, discusses how each nuclear verdict increases the chances for additional large awards.

May 01, 2024, AM Best
AM Best’s Briefing - Medical Professional Liability Sector: The State of the U.S. Market
Robert E. White, President of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, joins Sharon Pereira Marks, Director, P&C Ratings, AM Best; Victoria Riggs, MBA, Associate Director, AM Best; Eric Anderson, Interim President and CEO, the Medical Professional Liability Association; and Megan McIntyre, Head of TransRe’s Medical Malpractice team, in reviewing the state of the U.S. medical professional liability insurance sector.

Apr 04, 2024, KevinMD
Rise of Mega Payouts: Physicians Are Now the White Whales
Robert White, President of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, discusses the unexpected emergence of nuclear verdicts in states where they were once considered rare.

Video Mar 13, 2024
Why It's Vital to Choose a Doctor-Owned Medical Malpractice Insurer
Choosing a medical malpractice insurer involves more than just reviewing the cost of premiums—physicians must consider which insurer has their best interests at heart. Consolidation in the industry has led to shareholder-owned companies acquiring doctor-owned companies and vice-versa. When an acquisition brings a doctor-owned company into the hands of shareholders, physicians have a prime opportunity to ask: Is this the type of insurer I want protecting my reputation?

Mar 05, 2024, Business Insurance
Alabama Embryo Ruling May Increase Med Mal Risks
Robert White, President of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, discusses the potential impacts the recent IVF ruling in Alabama will have on healthcare professionals.

Feb 21, 2024, Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Professional Liability: The Problem That Will Not Go Away
The frequency of malpractice claims in the United States has trended downward in the last 10 to 15 years, however, there is an upward trend in the “severity” of claims, driven in large part by “nuclear” jury verdicts. Cardiologists and other clinicians should always be aware that a lack of communication is a common causal factor in malpractice suits. Richard E. Anderson, MD, FACP, Chairman and CEO, The Doctors Company and TDC Group, investigates claim amounts and severity alongside three prominent physicians.

Feb 14, 2024
Physician-Owned Carriers Invest to Benefit Those Who Are Insured, not Shareholders
TC Wilson, Chief Investment Officer, The Doctors Company and TDC Group
Physicians should understand the risks of their medical malpractice carrier’s investments and make sure they are covered by an insurer who has their interests at heart and, therefore, takes a prudent and relatively conservative approach to investing.

Feb 08, 2024, Becker's ASC Review
Malpractice Mega-Verdicts Hit Record High
Robert White, President of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, discusses how a rollback of tort reform could be a factor in the rise of nuclear malpractice verdicts.

Feb 02, 2024, Medscape
Mega Malpractice Verdicts Against Physicians on the Rise
Robert White, President of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, discusses the impact nuclear verdicts have on costs for medical professionals.

Jan 30, 2024, MDLinx
A Georgia Man's Failed Heart Transplant Culminates In a $38.6M Malpractice Verdict Against Emory Healthcare
Robert White, President of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, discusses some of the causes of the rise in high-dollar medical malpractice verdicts.

Dec 27, 2023, Managed Healthcare Executive
2024 Prediction from Robert E. White Jr.
Robert E. White Jr., President, The Doctors Company, part of TDC Group, offers his prediction for how social inflation will impact practices’ medical malpractice premiums in 2024.

Dec 19, 2023, PSQH
Patient Safety Predictions for 2024
Robert E. White Jr., President, and Laura Kline, MBA, CPCU, Senior Vice President of Business Development, The Doctors Company, part of TDC Group, offer their predictions for what will happen in patient safety and healthcare quality in 2024.

Dec 10, 2023
Should Dentists in One Office Have One Malpractice Insurer?
Laura Archer, Vice President of Underwriting for The Doctors Company
One often-overlooked strategy for a group practice is having all dental professionals covered by the same malpractice insurer: With a group policy, a practice can keep up with changes, avoid damaging conflicts, maximize chances for desirable outcomes when claims arise—and even potentially realize a positive impact on premium.

Professional Education
Cardiology–Business of Medicine: Lessons from Medical Malpractice Claims
This educational activity is from an article that was originally published in Cardiology Magazine in June 2023. The article explains the Three Ps—Prevent, Preclude, and Prevail—as key elements to reduce clinician risk related to malpractice litigation. This article reviews an actual cardiology closed claims lawsuit and applies the analysis of the Three Ps. It concludes by explaining the reasons the lawsuit was settled for a nominal amount.
0.5 credit

Nov 17, 2023, Healthcare Business Today
As State Laws Change, Clinicians Need Medical Malpractice Legal Representation
Richard F. Cahill, Esq., Vice President and Associate General Counsel, The Doctors Company, part of TDC Group, discusses how changing laws place additional pressure on clinicians to secure trusted legal counsel.

Jul 21, 2023, MDLinx
The Biggest Malpractice Cases of 2023: States Are Shifting the Legal Landscape
David L. Feldman, MD, MBA, FACS, Chief Medical Officer for The Doctors Company and TDC Group, discusses why missed and misdiagnoses are a primary cause of malpractice lawsuits.

Professional Education
Risk Management 101 for Healthcare Professionals: Malpractice, Patient Relations, and Documentation
This is an introductory level course about basic risk management for practicing clinicians focusing on malpractice, patient communication, and documentation. Healthcare professionals new to practice and more experienced will learn the legal elements of a malpractice claim that must be proven for a plaintiff to prevail. We share communication strategies to enhance patient understanding, compliance, and satisfaction while reducing the risk of abandonment when ending patient relationships. We address the importance of documentation, share open notes strategies for success, and strategies to demonstrate quality of care and reduce risk. Documentation examples are provided, as are tips for electronic health record (EHR) and telehealth documentation.
1.5 credits

Jun 26, 2023, The Podcast by KevinMD
Social Inflation's Surge in Medical Malpractice Insurance
Robert White, President of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, discusses the impact of social inflation on costs for medical professionals.

Jun 16, 2023, KevinMD
Unveiling the Hidden Impact of Social Inflation: Soaring Costs for Medical Professionals Revealed
Robert White, President of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, discusses the hidden impact of social inflation on costs for medical professionals.

Professional Education
You Have Been Served with a Malpractice Lawsuit or a Regulatory Action Notice: Now What?
Malpractice litigation and government regulatory and licensing oversight are inherent aspects of licensed healthcare professionals. The concern regarding malpractice litigation is well-founded, and regulatory and licensing actions can pose significant challenges. Therefore, clinicians must be prepared and knowledgeable about navigating legal notices and taking appropriate steps to ensure compliance. By participating in this program, they can effectively mitigate the impact of claims, complaints, or regulatory actions and safeguard their practice.
0.5 credit

May 18, 2023, Medical Economics
Social Inflation Drives Up Malpractice Payouts—and Insurance Rates
Robert White, President of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, discusses the impact of social inflation on the medical malpractice industry.

May 10, 2023, Medscape
5 Ways Docs May Qualify for Discounts on Medical Malpractice Premiums
Todd Zeiter, Senior Vice President, National Underwriting, and Susan Boisvert, Senior Patient Safety Risk Manager, The Doctors Company, Part of TDC Group, discuss programs and discounts offered by The Doctors Company,

May 01, 2023, MDLinx
New Utah Bill Sparks the Question: How Should States Fairly Handle Malpractice Suits?
David L. Feldman, MD, MBA, FACS, Chief Medical Officer, The Doctors Company and TDC Group, provides insight on when physicians should be aware of differing state malpractice regulations.

Apr 28, 2023, MDLinx
A Virginia Radiologist's Malpractice Case for $10 Million Was Dismissed, Here's What Can Help Prevent Malpractice Suits
David L. Feldman, MD, MBA, FACS, Chief Medical Officer, The Doctors Company and TDC Group, provides recommendations to prevent medical malpractice lawsuits.

Mar 21, 2023, Business Insurance
The BI Interview with Dr. Richard Anderson of The Doctors Company
Richard E. Anderson, MD, FACP, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, discusses medical malpractice exposures in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and how broad changes in the healthcare sector will alter the liability landscape.

Feb 23, 2023, Today's Hospitalist
The Pandemic’s Impact on Malpractice Claims
Peter Kolbert, JD, Senior Vice President, Claim & Litigation Services, Healthcare Risk Advisors (HRA), part of TDC Group, discusses the impact the pandemic had on malpractice claims as we approach the third anniversary of COVID-19.

Feb 14, 2023, Business Insurance
California Med Mal Cap Increase May Have Wider Influence
Deepika Srivastava, Executive Vice President of Medical Professional Liability and Shared Services, The Doctors Company and TDC Group​, provides commentary on the increase to California's cap on medical malpractice awards that went in effect in January of this year.

Jan 23, 2023
Medical Malpractice Claims-Made Social Inflation and Loss Development Report
Using insurance company annual statement data, the “Medical Malpractice Claims-Made Social Inflation and Loss Development Report” estimates that in the decade ending in 2021, between $2.4 and $3.5 billion, or 8 to 11 percent, of all medical malpractice losses incurred by physician-focused insurers stemmed from social inflation.

Jan 06, 2023
Assisting in Your Defense: Strategies for Healthcare Practitioners
Douglas McCullough, JD, Assistant Vice President, Claims, The Doctors Company
Although the majority of healthcare practitioners will face a malpractice claim, few are prepared when served with a lawsuit.

Dec 19, 2022
The Industry’s Strongest Malpractice Claims Defense
The Doctors Company is founded and led by physicians, which gives us a keen understanding of the impact of a malpractice claim. If a claim is ever made against you, we fight to win—both in and out of the courtroom.

Nov 17, 2022
Financial and Workplace Well-Being for Doctors: Lessons for Life After Medical School
This free, academic lecture series is designed to help doctors take control of their financial and workplace well-being, so they can focus on what they do best—providing superior patient care.

Professional Education
Reducing the Risk of a Malpractice Claim
This enduring program is designed to assist physicians, dentists, and advanced practice clinicians, improve patient safety by providing information on how to implement a root cause analysis (RCA2) when a near-miss, or injury has been identified. Real cases serve as examples of how sustainable change can minimize human and environmental factors while decreasing system failures and reducing the risk of a malpractice claim.
1.0 credit

Jul 13, 2022
Malpractice May Be Negative, but Its Data Can Generate Positive Results
David L. Feldman, MD, MBA, FACS, Chief Medical Officer, The Doctors Company and TDC Group
We can leverage malpractice data to target and drive investment in patient safety efforts. Malpractice data shows us very clearly that good communication and teamwork are vital to preventing adverse events and malpractice claims—while also dramatically improving working conditions and enhancing patient safety.

Jun 17, 2022
Practice Protection for Administrative and Regulatory Actions
Richard F. Cahill, JD, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, and Kathleen Stillwell, MPA/HSA, RN, Senior Patient Safety Risk Manager, The Doctors Company
Our legal and patient safety experts describe the types of complaints against healthcare professionals that trigger agency investigations and advise how to respond to notifications.
From The Doctor’s Advocate

Mar 29, 2017
It’s Time to Reset the Medical Malpractice Insurance Conversation
Richard E. Anderson, MD, FACP
After speaking with more than 800 doctors, practice managers, and group administrators nationwide, it’s clear that it’s time to reset the conversation around medical malpractice insurance. Dr. Anderson explains why he believes companies should serve the medical profession by partnering with those who provide care.

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