
Closed Claims Studies
Data-driven insights on the top risks by specialty, practice location, and technology, like EHRs.

Diagnostic Error
A list of articles, expert insights, and education on the risks of diagnostic error.

January 25, 2021, Medscape
How Likely Are Malpractice Lawsuits From Treating COVID?
Peter Kolbert, senior vice president of claim and litigation services for Healthcare Risk Advisors, part of the TDC Group of companies, is among experts quoted in this article on how COVID-19 will affect malpractice lawsuits.

December 21, 2021, Health IT Answers
Digital Transformation in 2022
Richard E. Anderson, MD, FACP, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, is quoted on how critical progress in data integration will bring about major improvements in healthcare.

March 30, 2022, Medical Economics
Why Malpractice Insurance Premiums Are Rising
Robert E. White, Jr., Chief Operating Officer of The Doctors Company and TDC Group, explains what’s behind recent increases in physicians’ malpractice insurance rates.

July 06, 2023, Physician's Practice
What Your Practice Can Do About Medication Safety
David L. Feldman, MD, MBA, FACS, Chief Medical Officer, and Richard F. Cahill, JD, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, write about the risks from medication errors and offer best practices for medication monitoring and management.

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