
Nov 12, 2020
Cardiology Closed Claims Study
This review of 210 cardiology malpractice claims identifies the most common patient allegations and the specific factors contributing to patient injury.

Jun 22, 2022
Patient Safety in Dentistry: Communication
Sue Boisvert, BSN, MHSA, DFASHRM, Senior Patient Safety Risk Manager, The Doctors Company
Effective communication improves teamwork and creates a safer environment for patients. It can also enhance patient engagement and satisfaction and reduce the risk of professional liability claims, even if an adverse event occurs.

Robert DeSimone
Bob DeSimone is president of The Doctors Insurance Agency in Solana Beach, California. Bob has worked in the medical malpractice insurance business for 25 years.

Professional Education
You Have Been Served with a Malpractice Lawsuit or a Regulatory Action Notice: Now What?
Malpractice litigation and government regulatory and licensing oversight are inherent aspects of licensed healthcare professionals. The concern regarding malpractice litigation is well-founded, and regulatory and licensing actions can pose significant challenges. Therefore, clinicians must be prepared and knowledgeable about navigating legal notices and taking appropriate steps to ensure compliance. By participating in this program, they can effectively mitigate the impact of claims, complaints, or regulatory actions and safeguard their practice.

Jan 30, 2024
Patient Safety Strategies for Surrogate Births
Pamela Willis, BSN, JD, Senior Patient Safety Risk Manager, The Doctors Company, Part of TDC Group
Surrogate pregnancies present unique challenges that require planning and clear communication.

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