
Financial Strength
The Doctors Company has always been guided by a fundamental belief: That the practice of good medicine should be advanced, protected, and rewarded. Our financial success—highlighted in our annual report—has been built on a conservative business philosophy designed to fully empower this mission.

May 31, 2022
The Role of the Medical Assistant in Your Office Practice
Debra Kane Hill, MBA, RN, Senior Patient Safety Risk Manager, The Doctors Company
A medical assistant (MA) can be a valuable addition to an office practice, but MAs should not perform tasks outside their scope of practice.

Professional Education
Hidden Liability Risks Identified by Medical Office Reviews: Risky Practices for Advanced Practice Clinicians
Office practice assessments by TDC Group's patient safety risk managers uncover hidden liability risks, often exposing areas where patients can “fall through the cracks” and leave the practice vulnerable to a malpractice claim. Our Practice Risk INSIGHT, an assessment tool customized by specialty, zeros in on problematic areas. The assessments have been completed across a range of practice environments around the country—from small offices to practices that are part of large integrated delivery systems. In this course, we analyze the results of the Practice Risk INSIGHT assessments, highlight problem-prone areas, and offer strategies to minimize liability for advanced practice clinicians (APCs).

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