
Video Apr 09, 2019

Study of Malpractice Claims Involving Children
Patient safety risks when treating children vary depending on the patient’s age—but communication breakdowns between doctors and patients/families occur in malpractice claims for pediatric patients of ALL ages. Watch this important case study to learn more.

Video Nov 18, 2022

What to Expect from Litigation: Dr. Grollo's Perspective
Dennis Grollo, MD, a family physician, describes a malpractice case against him involving a long-time patient and allegations of using an out-of-state pharmacy. Dr. Grollo worked as a team with his attorney and The Doctors Company claims specialist to provide a strong defense with the support of medical and phone records. In the end, the jury exonerated him.

Emergency Care
A list of articles and expert insights on patient safety issues and risks in emergency medicine.

Professional Education
Preventing Errors in Preoperative Clearance (Claims Corner)
Primary care providers (PCPs) routinely manage complex elderly patients with multiple comorbidities who require elective surgery. Errors can occur when providers are rushed, there is a lack of effective interoffice communication, and the patient has a low health literacy. Communication and care coordination issues are commonly noted among PCPs and consulting specialists. The Doctors Company has analyzed closed claims where PCPs have been held responsible for failures in surgical mismanagement, specifically preop clearance. This program will highlight the contributing factors identified in malpractice claims involving medical clearance and provide practice strategies for reducing liability risk.

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