
Reporting a Claim
As a member, it is essential that you notify The Doctors Company immediately if an incident occurs that may lead to a claim or if a claim has been made against you. Your claim specialist will immediately go into action to protect you. We’ll be with you every step of the way.

Professional Education
Medication Management: Strategies for Advanced Practice Clinicians
Medication management is by far the area providers can make the most impact within the professional practice arena. Data from closed claims shows that medication management is a risky area, most importantly the monitoring of medications. Monitoring and management begin when the patient receives the medication until the patient is no longer on the medication. An effective medication management process is essential for safe patient care. Having current patient medication information will assist with subsequent prescribing and a plan of care.

Aug 06, 2024
Informed Consent: Substance and Signature
Robert Morton, MAS, CPPS, Assistant Vice President, Department of Patient Safety and Risk Management, The Doctors Company, Part of TDC Group
True informed consent is a process of managing a patient’s expectations through shared decision making. It is not just a signature on a document.

Dec 01, 2022
Industry and Company News
Announcements in the fourth quarter of 2022 include our AM Best ‘A’ (Excellent) Financial Rating, new Leading Voices in Healthcare resources, and a new article exploring technology-enabled healthcare.
From The Doctor’s Advocate

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