
Video Oct 14, 2022
New Thinking About Primary Care and Practice Redesign
Megan Mahoney, MD, MBA, Professor and Chair of the UCSF Department of Family and Community Medicine and member of The Doctors Company Board of Governors, explains how she developed a new model for providing the most efficient and high-quality care in her practice.

Nov 27, 2023
Diagnosis-Related Medical Malpractice Claims With Indemnities Over $1 Million: Understanding the Primary Drivers
Jacqueline Ross, RN, PhD, Coding Director, and Kathrine Soulsby, RN, BSN, Senior Patient Safety Analyst, Department of Patient Safety and Risk Management, The Doctors Company, Part of TDC Group
Identifying and concentrating on factors related to high-indemnity medical malpractice claims can help to both improve patient outcomes and reduce financial losses. One common thread in high-indemnity claims is diagnostic errors. Therefore, understanding more about how to protect against and prevent diagnostic errors is paramount to patient safety and to mitigating loss costs.

Protecting Medical Liability Reform
The Doctors Company continues to play an instrumental role in the passage—and continued preservation—of medical liability tort reform legislation on behalf of doctors and all healthcare professionals nationwide. More than 30 states have enacted medical liability reform laws to promote access to healthcare. However, these laws are constantly under attack. The Doctors Company fiercely advocates at the legislative, judicial, and regulatory levels to defend these hard-won protections.

Mar 17, 2021
The Pathology Report: Reducing Malpractice Risk
David B. Troxel, MD, Medical Consultant to The Doctors Company
It is essential that the pathology report accurately document everything that a pathologist does with regard to evaluating and diagnosing a specimen—and it is particularly important to document the rationale for critical decision making.

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