Political Advocacy Articles

First Quarter 2025, The Doctor's Advocate, Remi Stone, JD, Director, Government Relations, The Doctors Company
Health Equity’s Role in Public Policy
Health equity is increasingly informing lawmakers’ decision making.

Fourth Quarter 2024, The Doctor's Advocate, Dennis Chiu, JD, Senior Government Relations Specialist, The Doctors Company
2024 Judicial Review: Significant Court Decisions on Medical Liability Issues
Between fall 2023 and summer 2024, state supreme courts handed down mixed decisions on medical liability issues affecting healthcare professionals.

Third Quarter 2024, The Doctor's Advocate, Elizabeth Healy, Vice President, Government and Community Relations, and Dennis Chiu, JD, Senior Government Relations Specialist, The Doctors Company
2024 Legislative Session Demonstrates Continued Assault on Medical Liability Protections
Medical liability reforms that helped to end medical malpractice crises in recent decades are increasingly under attack.

Second Quarter 2024, The Doctor's Advocate, Remi Stone, JD, Director, Government Relations, The Doctors Company
Artificial Intelligence: Emerging Issues in Healthcare and Insurance Public Policy
As AI becomes more integrated into healthcare, matters relating to professional liability remain unsettled.

First Quarter 2024, The Doctor's Advocate, Elizabeth Y. Healy, Vice President, Government and Community Relations, The Doctors Company
The Vital Role of Healthcare Practitioners in Advocating for Medical Liability Reform Through Political Action
By engaging in political advocacy, healthcare professionals can drive positive change, help shape the future, and safeguard access to care.

Fourth Quarter 2023, The Doctor's Advocate, Dennis Chiu, JD, Senior Government Relations Specialist, The Doctors Company
2023 Judicial Review: Significant Court Decisions on Medical Liability Issues
In the past year, several state supreme courts handed down significant decisions that expand medical liability.

Third Quarter 2023, The Doctor's Advocate, Elizabeth Y. Healy, Vice President, Government and Community Relations, The Doctors Company
Inflationary Pressure on Medical Liability Reforms Increasing
Across the nation, inflation is affecting medical liability reforms and making it difficult to defend hard-won protections.

Second Quarter 2023, The Doctor's Advocate, Remi Stone, JD, Director, Government Relations, The Doctors Company
Driving Positive Outcomes in the Professional Liability Advocacy Arena
It is imperative for healthcare practitioners to weigh in on legislative matters involving healthcare provision and access. These expert tips can help you engage with policymakers and communicate effectively.

First Quarter 2023, The Doctor's Advocate, Elizabeth Y. Healy, Vice President, Government and Community Relations, The Doctors Company
Third-Party Litigation Funding on the Rise
Third-party litigation funding injects the financial interests of outsiders into litigation, driving up settlement awards and threatening the integrity of the civil justice system.

Fourth Quarter 2022, The Doctor's Advocate, Dennis Chiu, JD, Senior Government Relations Specialist, The Doctors Company
2022 Judicial Review: Significant Court Decisions on Medical Liability Issues
In the past year, a number of state high courts have handed down significant decisions on medical liability issues—including decisions that affect plaintiffs’ tactics and protections for advanced practice clinicians.

Third Quarter 2022, The Doctor's Advocate, Elizabeth Y. Healy, Vice President, Government and Community Relations, The Doctors Company
Special Interests Influence Election Outcomes: What It Means for Healthcare
Everything that is important in your personal life, professional life, and community is affected by the politicians you elect. Learn more about how special interest groups work and why your individual vote matters.

Second Quarter 2022, The Doctor's Advocate, Elizabeth Y. Healy, Vice President, Government and Community Relations, The Doctors Company
Landmark Legislation Preserves Medical Liability Reform in California
California legislators have enacted AB 35, a bill that ensures the preservation of the state’s longstanding Medical Injury Compensation Reform

Paid for by The Doctors Company and Affiliated Entities

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