In today’s healthcare environment, doctors, medical practices, advanced practice clinicians, and health systems need an advocate—a resolute voice loud enough to be heard. TDC Group is relentlessly committed to supporting medical liability reform and to safeguarding access to patient care.
We lead the industry with a dedicated, award-winning Government Relations team and the only medical liability advocacy program covering all 50 states and the federal level.
We defend reforms that are in place, prevent legislation from being enacted that would undermine the defenses of our members, and take opportunities to enact new measures that would limit liability exposure for our members and healthcare professionals across the country.
We dedicate ourselves to this calling so that those caring for our communities can make decisions based on the best outcomes for patients, rather than the ever-present threat of litigation, invasive regulation, or financial loss.
Get the Latest Advocacy Updates

The Government Relations Advocacy Update summarizes legislative and judicial actions that impact medical liability and the practice of medicine.
Latest issue: National Trends and Key Takeaways from the 2024 Election
This issue (2024 Vol. 9, Issue 5) highlights the results of the 2024 election, including the "trifecta" of Republican control of both chambers of Congress and the White House. We also reflect on TDC Group's engagement in the election: We participated in a total of 280 races for public office, and of those, 250 candidates won their elections—an 89 percent win rate.
Government Relations Articles
2024 Judicial Review: Significant Court Decisions on Medical Liability Issues
Between fall 2023 and summer 2024, state supreme courts handed down mixed decisions on medical liability issues affecting healthcare professionals.
Fourth Quarter 2024, The Doctor's Advocate
2024 Legislative Session Demonstrates Continued Assault on Medical Liability Protections
Medical liability reforms that helped to end medical malpractice crises in recent decades are increasingly under attack.
Third Quarter 2024, The Doctor's Advocate
Artificial Intelligence: Emerging Issues in Healthcare and Insurance Public Policy
As AI becomes more integrated into healthcare, matters relating to professional liability remain unsettled.
Second Quarter 2024, The Doctor's Advocate
Working Continuously to Balance the Scales of Justice
Track Legislation in Your State
More than 150,000 bills are introduced each year in state and federal legislatures. We continually monitor legislation that impacts our members and advocate on your behalf. See legislative activity in your state.
Contribute to Our Political Action Committees
The Doctors Company’s state and federal political action committees (DOCPACs) support candidates for elected office that favor medical liability reform in their respective states and in Congress. By contributing to a DOCPAC, you can help us in the fight to protect the practice of good medicine.
Protecting Liability Reform
More than 30 states have enacted medical liability reform laws to promote access to healthcare. However, these laws are constantly under attack. We work tirelessly at the legislative, judicial, and regulatory levels to defend these hard-won protections.
Reproductive Healthcare: Post-Roe Resource Center
The repeal of Roe v. Wade created many challenges for clinicians practicing reproductive healthcare. Our resource center provides updates on the latest laws and ballot measures, as well as strategies to address top liability concerns.