Environmental, Social, and Governance Sustainability Report

TDC Group is guided by our vision: To build the preeminent organization for service to healthcare. As the nation’s most trusted provider of insurance and risk management solutions, we are powerful advocates for the healthcare community—and the communities in which we live and work.

We are driven to protect those who provide superior care, reduce operational and financial risk in the provision of healthcare services, and simplify the delivery of high-quality healthcare. Our mission is the foundation of our ESG efforts, and we focus on ESG improvements and opportunities at all levels of our organization.

Diversity and Inclusion

TDC Group prioritizes attracting and retaining talent to ensure we have a quality workforce now and in the future—one that mirrors the diversity of the healthcare profession we serve. Just as diversifying our financial portfolio makes us stronger, promoting a corporate culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion makes us an employer of choice and drives our exceptional service and innovative solutions to our members.

TDC Group focuses on:

  • Recruiting and maximizing our diversity outreach.
  • Offering consistent employee development and advancement opportunities.
  • People accountability with annual diversity and inclusion training.
  • Annual succession planning with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Employee retention by providing competitive pay and benefits and encouraging a healthy work-life balance.
  • Obtaining actionable insights to create an inclusive workplace through annual participation in the Great Place to Work Culture and Engagement Survey.
  • Partnering with women- and minority-led companies/vendors.
  • Gender equality and fair pay practices for all employees through annual compensation studies.

As of December 2023, 68 percent of TDC Group employees were women, and the majority of management roles are held by women. In a recent all-employee survey, 93 percent of employees reported that people at TDC Group are fairly treated regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or age.

ESG Report

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