The Doctors Company offers a wealth of expert patient safety/risk management resources across a wide range of specialties and topics to help healthcare professionals and practices reduce risk and improve patient care. Explore our award-winning articles, videos, closed claims studies, education courses, and more.
Recent Articles
Choosing a Professional Liability Insurance Carrier: A Guide for Advanced Practice Clinicians
Choosing the right malpractice insurer is one of the most important professional decisions you’ll make. Despite facing many of the same liability and malpractice risks as physicians, advanced practic…
Learning From Medical Oncology Malpractice Claims
Cancer remains a leading cause of death in the U.S., with certain types of cancer increasing despite overall declines in mortality. By reviewing closed malpractice claims involving the medical oncolo…
Cognitive Assessments in Primary Care: Preparation and Tools May Mitigate Diagnosis Risks
As practices care for the increase in older patients and take advantage of the CMS billing rules, successfully integrating cognitive evaluations into a practice’s workflow without magnifying liabilit…
Addressing Challenging Situations in a Dental Setting
This patient safety and risk management guide offers expert insights and strategies to help you address common challenges in the dental setting.
Medical and Dental Record Retention
Retaining well-maintained patient records helps medical and dental professionals ensure continuity of care; protect against any future professional liability claims, licensing board complaints, and p…
The Doctor’s Advocate
The Doctor’s Advocate, our quarterly publication, contains timely information on patient safety topics, legislative updates, and the latest industry and company news.
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Risk Assessments/Site Surveys
Partner with us to complete a comprehensive risk survey and a customized service plan for your practice.
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Risk Management Fundamentals for the Practice Manager
Our exclusive member program educates practice managers on risk management and patient safety measures.
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Financial and Workplace Well-Being for Doctors: Lessons for Life After Medical School
This free, academic lecture series is designed to help doctors take control of their financial and workplace well-being, so they can focus on what they do best—providing superior patient care.
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Quick Check Tools: Improve Your Practice Processes
Our easy-to-use Quick Check tools can help your practice identify processes that need to be updated. Each printable checklist also includes a resource list and contact details for additional guidance.
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